Friday, May 15, 2009

The Numbers Game

Good news, mom is better. I think I am too. How long will it last? Don't know. Today she had two requests:

1. Iced, decaf, latte, venti, vanilla squirt from Starbucks.
2. Beans from El Pollo Loco.

I got her both, including a topper of macaroni and cheese and cole slaw (from El Pollo Loco, not Starbucks).

I asked her today on a scale of one to 10 - one being deathbed, 10 being fabulous - where she was at?

She said she is a nine.

Cool. What a difference from the four she was just days ago. That takes me from a four to a nine as well. OK, maybe an eight. I know a nine for her is not a nine for a healthy person - but a nine is still a nine.

Albeit, a nine today may have been a five three months ago. But a four this week would have been a one two months ago. To confuse you even further, mom usually starts going down past a six when her fever is more than 100-degrees. When it hits 101-degrees, she is a five, and I need to be by her side.

Now, she is under 98-degrees, which elevates her to eight+, depending on how her stomach feels (+ or - two points margin of feeling crappy).

Her stomach feels fine. So, I am happy with a nine.

1 comment:

  1. How great to hear that your Mother is feeling better!! And requesting specific food and drink is always good news!!! I hope this is the beginning of a long upward swing....
